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T H E E A R L OF MIN T O , G.C.B. ,
M y Lord,
As First Lord of tliat Board of Admiralty by wliicli
the Antarctic Expedition was so admii’ably equipped;—as the steady
patron of its interests, not only diuing but subsequent to your
atlmiuistration of tliis Iiigh ofB.ce;—and as the kind friend to whose
encouragement and advice I am indebted for most of the facilities
wdiich have been granted me towards the publication of the Botany
OF THE Antarctic Voyage;—I feel the exercise of the privilege you
have accorded me, of dedicating the present Volume to youi- Lordship,
to be equally an honoui- and a pleasui’e.
Believe me to remain,
AVith sentiments of the highest respect and esteem.
Your Lordship^s truly obliged and gi-ateful servant,
Ui).val Giu'clcus, Kew,
Seiit. 6th, 1847.