
second pair, the palms of the hands oblong, smooth, the
fingers short, slender, curved, touching only a t the extremities
when closed. Second pair of legs longer than
any of the succeeding pairs. Tarsi stout, curved, spinulose
beneath. Abdomen of male seven-jointed; of female very
broad five-jointed, the three basal segments and the terminal
segment free or nearly so, the intei-vening
ments coalescing and much enlarged. Length of the la
female 1 inch, of the largest male | inch.
Hab. Cape Howe, Australia. Type. B.M.
This species differs from the two mentioned above: in
its broader carapace, stouter limbs, and cylindrical rostrum
which is excavated at the end. The flattened granulations
and tubercles are very different from the high conical
tubercles of X tulerculatus, the female abdomen of which
is only three-jointed, all the segments coalescing, except a
single basal and the terminal one.
Sub-tribe C a n c r o i d e a , Dana.
U.S. Explor. Exped. X III., Crust. l.,p . 142 (1852).
Genus N e c t o c a r c i n u s , Milne-Edwards.
Archiv. Mus. Hist. Nat. X.,j?. 404 (1861).
N e c t o c a r c in u s a n t a r c t i c u s .
Portunus antarcticus, Homh. & Jacq. Voy. Pole Sud. III.,
Cnist. p. 51, tab. 5, f . 1 (1853); White, List Crust. Brit.
Mus., p. 25 (1847); Zool. Erebus and Terroi', tab. l , / 2
Nectocarcinus antarcticus, Milne-Edw. Archiv. Mus.
Hist. Nat. X., p. 407 (1861).
Hab. South Seas. B.M.
N e c t o c a r c in u s in t e g r i f r o k s .
Portunus integrifrons, Latr. Encycl. Méth. X. p. 192 :
Milne-Edvjards, Hist. Nat. Crust. l .,p . 445 (1834); White,
List Crust. Brit. Mus., p. 26 (1847); Zool. Erebus and
Terror, tab. l , f . 3 (1874). Young.
Nectocarcinus integrifrons, A . Milne-Edvj. Ann. Sd.
Nat. (ser. 4) XIV., p. 220; Archiv. du Museum X.,j3. 406,
pi. 38 (1861).
Hab. New Zealand; Australia, Port Jackson. B.M.
The young specimens in the Museum vary much in the
pubescence of the carapace, which is sometimes covered
with hairs, a t others, quite destitute of them, but they are
all much smaller than the one figured by M. A. Milne-
Edwards [I.e.) which is represented as quite glabrous.
N e c t o c a r c in u s t u b e r c u l o s u s .
Nectocarcinus tuberculosus, A . Milne Edw. Ann. Sci.
Nat (ser. 4) XIV., p. 220 ; Archiv. du Museum 'N.,p. 405,
pi. 37 (1861).
Portunus integrifrons Jun., Zool. V Erebus and Terror,
1 ,/. 4 (1874). Young.
Hab. Van Diemen’s Land (Young). B.M.
Genus P l a t y o n y c h u s , Latreille.
Encycl. Méth. X., p. 152 (part.)-. Bell. Brit. Gmist., p. 83
I t appears better to restrict the name Platyonychus to
the species with a cai-apace broader than long, the tarsal
joint of the fifth pair of legs broad, oval and rounded at
the end ; and elongated hands, e.g., Platyonychus ocellatus,
Herbst, and P. bipustulatvs, Milne-Edwards, and to retain
Dr. Leach’s earlier name, Portumnus, for the species with
a carapace about as broad as long, an elongated, acute,
lanceolate tarsal joint to the fifth pair of legs, and small
\\a.nds, Portumnus laiipes (Pennant) Leach, P. nowüitts, Latr,,
and P. africanus, A. Milne-Edw., as was first proposed by
Professor Bell, British Crustacea, p. 83, b u t where the
characters of the tarsi of the fifth pair of legs have been
inadvertently transposed. M. Milne-Edwards, in the
Histoire Naturelle des Crustacés, confounds Dr. Leach’s
original name Portumnus, with Portunus, Fabr,, and refers
all the species to Platyonychus.
P l a t y o n y c h u s b ip u s t u l a t u s .
Platyonychus bipustulatus, Milnc-Edw. Hist. Nat. Crust.
l.,p . 437, pi. 17, / . 7-10, (1834); TVhite, List Crust. Brit.
Mus., p. 24 (1847) ; A . MUne-Edw., Archiv. du Museum X.,
p. 413 (1861).
Portunus catharus. White, in Bieffenb. New Zealand II.,
p. 264 (1843) ; Zool. Ereb. and Terror, tab. l , f . 1 (1874).
Corystes (Anisopus) punctata. Be Haan Faun. Japon, p.
U ,p l. 2 ,f. 1 (1850).
Platyonychus purpureus, Bana, U. S. Explor. Exped.
X III., Crust. l .,p . 291, 18,/. 3 (1852).
Hab. Australasia, Chili. B.M.
The specimen figured is the type of Portunus Catharus,
White, which M. A. Milne-Edwards, in his paper in the
Archiv. du Museum above quoted, rightly considers synonymous
with Platyonychus bipustulatus, Milne-Edwards.
Genus C a n c e r , Linnæus.
Syst Nat 1.2, p. 1038 (1767); Leach, Malac. Pod. Brit.,
tab. 10 (1815).
Platycarcinus, Latr., Milne-Edwd., Hist. Nat. Crust. I., p.
412 (1834).
C a n c e r n o v æ - z e l a n d iæ .
Platycarcinus novæ-zealandiæ, TjUcos in Hombr. and
Jacq. Voy. Pole Sud., p. 34, pi. 3, / 6.
Cancer Novæ Zealandim, White, List Crust. Brit. Mus., p.
20 (1847) ; Zool. Erebus and Terror, tab. l , f . 5 (1874).
Cancer Novæ-Zelandiæ, A . Milne-Edw., Nouv. Archiv. du
I., 189 (1865).
Hab. New Zealand. _ _ _ B.M.
This species is very probably identical with the C.
plebeius, Poeppig, from Chili. The granulated ridges on the
claws, and the shape of the teeth on the latero-anterior
margin vary much in the specimens in the Museum, from
both localities, but M, A. Milne-Edwards in his monograph
above quoted, considers the species distinct.
D e c a p o d a A n o m o u r a .
Sub-tribe P o r c e l l a n i d e a , Dana.
U.S. Explcr. Exped. X III., Crust. I., p. 400 (1852).
Genus P e t r o l i s t h e s , Stimpson.
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. X., p. 227 (1858).
P e t r o l i s t h e s e l o n g a t u s .
PorceUana elongata, Milne-Edw., Hist. Nat. Ci-ust. II.,
p. 251 (1837) ; White, lAst Crust. Brit. Mus., p. 62 (1847);
Zool. Erebus and Terror, tab. 3 ,/. 3 (1874).
Hab. New Zealand. B.M.
Sub-tribe P a g u r i d e a , Dana.
U.S. Explor. Exped. X III., Crust. I., p. 432 (1852).
Genus P a g u r u s , Fabricius.
Ent. Syst. IT., p. 468 (1793) ; Milne-Edw. ; Bana, U.S.
Explor. Exped. XIII., Crust. I., p. 449 (1852).
P a g u r u s d e f o r m is .
Pagurus deformis, Milne-Edw. Ann. Sci. Nat. (ser. 2)
VI., 272; pi. 1 3 , / 4 (1836); Hist. Nat. Cn^st. II., p.
222 (1837).
Pagurus cavipes. White, Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 122 (1847);
lAst Crust. Brit. Mus., p. 60 (1847); A . & M. N. H. (ser. 2)
l.,p . 223 (1848); Zool. Erebus and Terror, tab. 2 , / 3 (1874).
Pagurus cultratus. White, List Criist. Brit. Mus., p. 60
Pa<Turus difformis, Bana, U.S. Explor. Exped. XIIL,
C r u s h ., p. 449 (1852).
Hab. Philippine I s . ; Samoa ; Australia ; Bramble Key.
I have no doubt from the figure and descriptions above
quoted th at P. cavipes and P. cultratus, White, are the
same species as P. deformis, Milne-Edwards. The prominent
ridge on the third left leg gives it an excavated
appearance. I can find no characters by which to distinguish
the single specimen of Pagurus cultratus. White, in
the British Museum, from the Philippines, from the
younger specimens of P. cavipes, from Australia. The
largest specimen of P. cavipes (the one figured) has the
larger hand more distinctly tubercular and granulated,
and the tarsus of the third leg on the right side proportionately
longer, but these peculiarities seem due to the
age of the specimen. The figure badly represents the
excavated tarsus of the third leg on the left side.
Genus E u p a g u r u s , Brandt.
Midde-ndorf’s Sibirische Rcise Zool. I , p. 105 (1851).
Bernhardus, Bana, U.S. Explor. Exped. XIIL, Crust. L,
p. 440 (1852).
E u p a g u r u s c o m p t u s .
Pagurus comptus. White, Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 122 (1847) ;
List Crust. Brit. Mus., p. 59 (1847) : A. & M. N. H. (ser. 2)
l.,p . 224 (1848) ; Zool. Erebus and Terror, tab. 2, / 5, 5«
Hab. Falkland Islands. Type. B.M.
Fig. 5, animal, ba, hand enlarged.
Genus C l i b a n a r i u s , Dana.
U.S. Explor. Exped. X III., Crust. I., p. 461 (1852).
C l ib a n a r iu s s t r ig im a n u s .
Pagurus strigimanus. White, Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 121,
(1847); List Crust. Brit. Mus., p. 60 (1847); A . & M.
N. H. (ser. 2) l.,p . 224 (1848); Zool. Erebus and Terror,
tab. 2 , f 4 (1874).
Hab. Van Diemen’s Land. Type. B.M.
This species is very different in appearance from most of
tlie genus, but agrees in the generic characters.
Sub-tribe G a l a t i i e i d e a , Dana.
U.S. Explor. Exped. XIIL, Crust. l.,p . 401 (1852).
Genus M u n i d a , Leacli.
Bict. Sci. Nat. XVIII.,^?. 52.
M u n id a s u b k u g o s a .
Galathea subrugosa, White, Jjist Crv.st. Brit. Mus., p. 66
(1847) ; Zool. Erebus and Terror, tab. 3 , / 2 (1874).
Carapace oblong, the sides slightly curved, the lateral
margins with seven teeth. Front three-spined, the middle
spine projecting considerably beyond the eyes, the lateral
ones not quite half as long as the middle spine, and not
projecting beyond the eyes. A second smaller spine behind
each of the lateral frontal spines. A spine on either side
of the middle line in the gastric region. Second third and
fourth abdominal segments with a spine on either side of
the middle line. The arms are now wanting in both the
specimens in the Jluseum.
Hab. Auckland Islands, Rendezvous Cove. Type. B.M.
The specimens obtained in the U.S. Explor. Exped. at
Terra del Fuego, and referred by Dana with doubt to this
species (U.S. Explor. Exped. XIIL, p. 479, pi. 30, f. 7)
differ in the number and arrangement of the spines on the
carapace, and the shape of the hands, and are no doubt
specifically distinct.
Sub-tribe D r o m i d e a ? Dana.
U.S. Explor. Exped. XIIL, Crust. l.,p . 400 (1852).
Genus C y m o p o l i a , R o u x .
Crust, de la Mediterranée (1827) ; Milne-Edwd. Hist. Nat.
Cmist.,p. 158 (1837).
C y m o p o l i a j u k e s i i . Tab. 3. / 4, 4 o -c .
Cymopolia Jukesii, White, App. Jukes Voy. Fly, p. 338,
pi. 2 , f 1 (1847); List Crust. Brit. Mus., p. 54 (1847).