The molars of the upper jaw are figured in Plate 34, fig. 13, a, and those of
the lower jaw, fig. 13, h.
“ Caught in the interior plains of Patagonia in lat. 50°, near the banks of the
Santa Cruz.”— D.
P late X X I.
Mus griseo-flavus, Waterh., Proceedmgs of the Zoological Society of London for February 183T, p. 28.
31. suprà griseus flavo-lavatus, ad latera Jiavus, suhiùs albus ; pedibus albis ; auribus
magnis etferè nudis ; caudâ caput corpusque ferè oequante, suprà fusco-nigricante.
subtus albâ ; vellere longo, molli.
D e s c r ip t io n .— Ears large; tail rather shorter than the head and body taken
together ; tarsi slender, and moderately long ; fur long and very soft ; general
tint of the upper parts of head and body grayish, washed with brownish yellow
; on the sides of the body a palish yellow tint prevails ; feet, chin, throat,
and under parts of body pure white ; tail rather sparingly clothed with
hairs, those on the apical portion rather long, and forming a slight pencil at
the tip; on the upper side and at the tip of the tail the hairs are brown, on
the under side they are dirty white ; the ears are very sparingly clothed with
minute brownish yellow hairs internally ; externally, on the fore part, the
hairs are rather longer and of a brown colour ; the upper incisors are orange,
and the lower incisors are yellow ; the hairs of the moustaches are long, and
of a black colour ; the hairs of the back are deep gray at the base, brownish
at the tip, and annulated with pale brownish yellow near the tip ; the longer
hairs are brown ; the hairs of the belly are white externally, and gray at the
base ; on the throat the hairs are white to the root.
Length from nose to root of tail
of tail . . . .
from nose to ear H
Length of tarsus (claws included)
of ear
Habitat, Northern Patagonia (August.)
The molars of the upper jaw are figured in Plate 34, fig. 15, a, and those of
the lower jaw, fig. 15, b.
“ Inhabits the dry gravelly plain, bordering the Rio Negro.”—D.