Fig. F. A small portion of a sporangium, sufficiently magnified to show the arrangement and
composition of sporules.
G. Several sporules, both in their compound and simple state, still more highly magnified
with the minute granular matter which usually accompanies them.
(From the c linnean Transactions/ vol. x.) See Vol. II, p. 192.
P late XXXVI.
K n ig h t ia excelsa.
Fig. 1. Flos expansus, parùm auctus.
2. Idem longitudinaliter apertus, magnitudine naturali.
3. Ejusdem basis cum glandulis hypogynis.
4. Pistillum auctum, ovario longitudinaliter secto ovulis quatuor.
5. Ovulorum insertiones et relativas positiones ostendens.
6. Ovulum paulô magis auctum.
7. Pollen plurimiim auctum.
P late XXXVII.
Fig. 1. Ramus magnitudine naturali.
21 Flos magnitudine naturali.
3. Idem auctus.
4. Receptaculum commune magnitudine naturali et auctum.
5. Idem verticaliter sectum.
6. Paleæ receptaculi.
7. Folliculus.
8. Dissepimentum cum seminibus.
9. Semina.
10. Dissepimentum.
11. Pollen ad lentem auctum.
(From the ‘ Linnean Transactions/ vol. xi.) See Vol. II, p. 255.
Woodsia H yperborea.
1. A native specimen of Woodsia hyperhorea. Natural size.
2. The stipes and lower part of the frond of the same plant. Magnified 3 times in diameter.
3. A pinna of the same plant. Magnified 10 diameters.
4. A pinna from another specimen, in which the clusters of capsules (sori) are more numerous
and confluent. 10 diameters.
5. A single cluster of capsules within their involucrum, the membranaceous base of which
they entirely conceal. Magnified 50 diameters (2500 times in superficies).
6. The involucrum spread open, with only one capsule left in it. Magnified 50 diameters.
7. An unripe capsule.
8. 9. Side and back views of a ripe capsule. > Magnified 50 diameters.
10, 11. Capsule opening and entirely burst, shedding its seeds. J
12. A seed magnified 200 diameters.
13. A frond of a cultivated plant of the same species. Natural size.