E T C T I B i T S P Í C T O E A M S ) / í 8 i i »
S>rv*m-fivm,'SíaJ&n> ícK'ltcAchf 7&E Goulti Jhxjtdiy C¿nt¿tnuoutt¿
N Y C T I B 1US PE C TOR AL I S , Oould.
Nyct. alis cauddque haud albo fasciatis ; fronte nigrescenti-fusco; plumis nonnullis, et pracipué cistulis snperciliaribus
badio albogue terminatis; nuchd dorsoque cinerescenti-fuscis, lineis nigris ornatis; scapularibus cinéreo, fusco, nigro-
que pictis; humeris intensé fuscis; vittd nigrd a mandibuld inferiore adplumas auriculares excurrente ; guld, corporeque
subtus cinéreo brunneoque pictis, pectore nigro largé notato ; abdomineque nigro irregularitér fasciato; primariis intús
fuscis, irregularitér brunneo fasciatis notatisque, externé cinéreo fuscoque fasciatis. Caudd fused, nigrescente et
cinéreo intermixtis transversim fasciatd ; rostro pedibusque nigrescentibus.
Long. tot. 12\unc.-, rostri, 1-J-; ala, 9-f-; cauda, 7\ ; tarsif 1-f.^
Wings and tail w ithout any large white b a r ; forehead blackish-brown, some of the feathers slightly tipped with
buff and white, particularly those of the elevated tufts which arise before each eye; back of the neck and
back greyish brown, each feather with a fine black mark down the centre; scapularies mingled grey, brown
and black, the latter colour in large patches and occupying the tips of the feather; upper surface of the
shoulder deep blackish brown; under-surface the same, spotted with white; a black mark or band passes
beneath the under mandible and ends a t the ear-coverts; throat and all the under-surface finely mottled with
, light gray and light brown; the chest having large blotches of black running down the middle, and a
crescent-shaped irregular band of the same crossing the upper p art of the abdomen; primaries brown on
’ their inner webs with obscure, indistinct blotches and irregular bands of lighter brown, their external webs
obscurely banded with light grey and b rown; all the tail-feathers brown, crossed with obscure, broad, arrow-
headed, mottled bars of blackish brown and grey; bill and feet blackish brown.
Nyctibius pectoralisffiovld, in Proc. o f Zool. Soc. Part VI. 1838.
T h i s species inhabits the northern p arts o f Brazil. It is nearly allied to Caprimulgus Jamaicensis, but is
much less in all its admeasurements; it is also allied to, but differs from the Caprimulgus longicaudatus of
The figures-are of the natural size.