In this Ciiart are delineated at large the following Harbours, viz.
On the Coaft of Newfoundland.
J. Old FeroUe Harbour.
2. %»>/.«« Harbour, with failing Marks, and Griguet Bays.
3. Croque Harbour.
On the Coafl: of Labrador-e.
4. York or Chateau Bay^ witli failing Marks.
S- Red Bay.
6. Br adore Harbour.
X V r r i . A Chart of the EASTERN COAST OF LABRADORE, from
the Straights of Bellip to Cape Bluff, with the Plans at
large of
1. The Three Harbours of Sophia, Charlotte, and Meckkn\
burg, near the Entrance of St. Alexes River.
2. Petty Harbour, to the South of the Three Harbours. §
X I X . A Chart of Part of the SOUTH COAST OF LABRADORE,
from Grand Point to Sbecatica, containing alfo the particular
plans of
1 . Mecat'ma Harbour, witli faiiing Marks.
2. St. Auguflins Entrance.
3. Cutnberland Harbour.
A Chart of the RIVER ST. LAURENCE, from the Iflani of Anticejii,
to the Falls of Richelieu, in three Parts, divided as follows,
XX. Part the Firil, from Cape Rofiers and Anticop Jfland to
Cape des Monts Pelés.
This contains feveral Appearances of Land, near Gafpee Bay,
and the Plans at large of
I . Gafpee Bay, wjth failing Marks, and the Appearances of
Laud between Bonavanture JJland and Cape Rofiers.
' 2. Mtligan Harbour, "1
: ^M r , SiJ,.
I XXT. Part the Second, fhewing the Courfe of the River from
Cape des Monts Pelés to Hare Ifland.
In this are alfo delineated two particular Charts on a larger Scale :
the firft of that Part of the Rirer between Green Ifland and
Ifle aux Coudres, with failing Marks, between Hare If and
and the Southern Shore. The fécond of the Englifli Channel,
between Ifle aux Coudres and the Southern Shore, with
the moft remarkable Appearances of Land on that Shore 5 as
alfo o f the Channel for large Ships between Ifle aux Coudres
and the Northern Shoré.
This Second Paît contains, befides, the following Plans of Harbours
on the North Shore, viz.
1 . The Seven Ifands with tiieir Bay, and the feveral Channels.
2. Havre St. Nicholas.
3. Point aux Allouettes, or Lark Point, with the adjacent
X X I L Part the Third, comprehending the Courfe of the River
from Kamourafca Ifands to the Falls of Richelieu.
T h e fame Courfe on a larger Scale from Cram Ifland to the faid
Both contiin the neceflary Direflions for failing through the
Old and New Traverfe, Iberville Channel, See. and the fécond
exhibits the moft remarkable Appcaranccs of Land on
botli Siiores, in failing through the Traverfes.
Tliis Part contains like;vifc a .particular Plan of tlie Bafon of