•776- January. y w revenge ib far as to extirpate the other, but is fatisfied when the adverfary yields the day and fues for peace. The Dutch colonifts have, by means of the following incident, of which. I do not remember exacftly the year, inipired the Caffre nation with no fmall degree of. terror. A man of the name o f H e u p p e n a e r , made an expedition, at the head o f a fmall party of farmers, into the Caffre country, in order to ihoot elephants. The Caffres, who took a fancy to the iron-work o f their waggons, and fome other articles they had with them, came in a body, confift- ing of feveral hundred men, and threw on a fudden fucfr a number o f darts among the colonifts, that the major part, o f them were killed; a dart likewife pierced through the tilt o f a waggon and killed H e u p p e n a e r , who was fitting in it. The blame of this was in a great meafure thrown, upon H e u p p e n a e r , . who was too high-fpirited to fhew any fear, and, agreeably to the advice of his companions, take to his weapons in time. One o f them, who was. faid ftill to be living in the colony, had efcaped, though half drowned, by hiding himfelf for the fpace o f twenty-four hours under a large water-fall. Two others found an opportunity o f r iding away, and afterwards harraffrng the Caffres a long time on the plain, by jumping, whenever they came near a party o f thefe favages, off their horfes at intervals, in order to take a better aim, by which means they killed feveral at one fhot. This fracas, and the manner in which it was revenged, have taught the Caffres ever fince, to lay a greater reftraint on their defires for the iron-work o f the colonifts waggons. In Lange-kloof I met with a farmer who was juft come back alone from this country, and had brought with him feveral elephants teeth. In return for fome tobacco with which he had prefented a Caffre prince, this latter had ordered his fubjetfts to fhew him the places where the elephants were to be found. In my map I have called a trait of country fituated towards the mouth of Groote Fifcb-rivier, by the name of King Ruytefs Craal, in commemoration o f a Hottentot king, or, as he was ftyled by the colonifts, a Hottentot captain, called R u y t e r . I have met with feveral Chriftians who had paid a vifit to this remarkable man, and related to me his life and adventures, which in brief are as follows. While he was in fervice at a farmer’s at Rogge-veld, he happened to have a quarrel with another Hottentot his companion, and murdered him; and as he was apprehen- five o f being, agreeably to the laws of the colony, hanged for this aition, he ran away. After a variety of adventures, he arrived at length in that part of the country which lies near Bojhies-man's-rivier, where by his intrepidity, he raifed himfelf to be the chief o f a party of Bofhies-men, or Hottentot rangers. At the head of thefe he fubdued feveral other tribes, and afterwards had the art to make them take arms againft the Caffres, by exciting in them a miftruft of each other; and at the fame time infpiring them with a high opinion of himfelf, as being of fo great importance to them in the capacity of their chief or leader, that they could not poflibly do without him; efpecially as he fupplied them with plunder, and taught them a method X % of 1776. January.
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