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ferpents. T h e bulla achatina. A country in flames. Wagenboom- river. T h e author lofes his way on horfeback in a dreadful ftorm o f thunder and lightning. Method o f converting grapes into, raifins. Famine arifmg from the drought. Rev ifit Artaquas-kloof. T h e author’s colleftions hurt by the wag gon ’s overturning there. Valfche- rivier. Great fcarcjty o f ploughfhares in Afr ica, and o f wrought iron in general. A battle royal between a Hottentot and his wife. A receipt to promote union in the married ftate. T h e imaginary gold-mine. T h e aloe plant difcovered by a N e g ro Have. Method o f preparing the gum from it. T h e geitje, a h igh ly venomous lizard. Dreadful confequences o f its bite. Cured by a flave. Conjeftures on its origin. Defcription o f this animal. Syftematical defcription o f the lacerta Capenfis. A very la rg e fpecies o f lizard, and very difficult to k ill. Defc ription o f a Angular anonymous quadruped. A farmer murdered b y his flaves. Surprizing efcape o f his fon. Cruelty o f the colonifts to their flaves, and horrid punilhments inflifted on them. Pu b lic executions only ferye to irritate the reft. Different difpofltions o f the flaves o f different nations. Pe cu lia r turn o f mind o f the Bugunefe. T h e author returns by the way o f Roode-zand. A lake newly difcovered at Sneeuwberg. Brandy made from a fpecies o f caftus. A rr iva l at the Cape, p. 350. A V O Y A G E - A v G Y A G E TO T H £ C A P E of G O O D H O P E. C H A P . X. JO U R N E Y from SE A -COW -R IV ER TO L I T T L E SU N D A Y -R IV ER . N the xft day o f December we fet off on our journey 1775- 'M m ' . . 1 1 December. ■ m eaft ward from Zez-koe-rtvier> ana the next morning \^ y sj from Cabeljauma-rivier, which was the laft place we came to that was inhabited by chriftians. A t noon we reached Camtours-rivier, where we baited. Here a Hottentot captain, or rather a patriarch, exercifed dominion over about half a hundred people, but was ftill in his way a fovereign. He was a little old man, o f the name of K ies. I ihould at firft fight have been eafily tempted to confider him as reigning merely over women, V o l . II. B < as

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