'77$• make feveral fpecies out of one. In like manner, I beg December. . p leave to remark on this occaiion, that in both fexes of this fpecies o f gazel, the horns are fimilar both in iize and ihape; as M. P a l l a s , Spicil.. Zoolog. L p. io . milled by KtEMPFER, fuppofes the female to have very ihort horns, or none at all. In fact, it is from a female that I made the foregoing defcription. This fame female I got fluffed, and have it at prefent in the cabinet o f the Royal Academy. In anfwer to the query put in the Spicil. Zoolog. Fafcicul. XI. p. 15. I will juft mention, that the Comte d e B u f f o n knew nothing at all of this gazel; and that the koba's horns, as well as thofe of the tzeiran (vide Fafcicul. I. p. 10.) are, befides the polition o f them, too large ever to have belonged to this gazel. To conclude, the horns of this beautiful animal are of a deep black colour; and from the bottom of them to fomewhat above the middle, are adorned with rings raifed above the furface. From hence they are quite fmooth and plain, terminating in a iharp point; which, as it was faid before, are turned inwards. The rings here fpoken o f are in number about fourteen, being raifed a line or two above the furface, and inclining, as it were, forwards and downwards. On the lides, where the horns are fomewhat flattened, thefe rings are lefs obfervable; and between each ring there is a number of fmall longitudinal Jlrice. There are no port ceriferi under the eyes of this animal. The predominant colour in this animal is brown o f various ihades, or a light ruft-colour. This fame colour occupies a fpace of two inches in the forehead, juft in the front of the horns, and goes between them over the nape of the neck, and the whole neck itfelf, a narrow flip in Dc’^;b'er the front of it only excepted; in the fame manner it ex- vj-y-v/ tends over the back, the fides, the outfide of the haunches, and the whole hind le g ; but makes only a narrow ftripe in the front of the fore leg. To the breadth of an inch or two, the pofterior moiety of the ridge of the back is white, which colour is continued over and round the anus, the infide o f the haunches, and the whole belly, the hind part, infide and outfide of the fore legs, the cheft, and the fore part of the ribs, whence it proceeds in a narrow ftripe all along the neck, extending over the remainder of the head, except a dark- brown lift on each fide, of the breadth o f an inch, which pafles from the corner of the mouth over the eyes to the horns. A ftripe an inch and a half broad o f the fame deep umber- colour, extends from the flioulders to the haunches, forming thus a boundary between the fnowy whitenefs o f the belly, and the rufty colour of the fides. The hairs likewife, which encompafs the white part of the back and of the anus, are of a fomewhat darker brown than the reft. The tail, at leaft at the lower part, is not thicker than a goofe-quill, and underneath it is quite bare, being covered on the outfide only with very ihort hairs; excepting,, indeed, towards the tip, where there are a few dark-brown hairs from one to two inches and a half long, which are diipofed in the manner exhibited in the figure. The ears are o f an afh-cokmr, in moft places covered with very ihort hairs, and in fome quite- bare; feveral fine grey hairs, moreover, occupy the bores of the ears at the fore part and the whole of their edges. Gn the infide, they are moftly bare. The eye-brows, and. a few ihort whiikers
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