c iii ] C O N T E N TS. C H A P . X. JOURNEY FROM SEA-COW-RIVER TO L lT T L E SuNDAY-RIVER, Set out on their journey. Camtours-river. Defcription o f the Hottentot Capt. Kies, who is treated fans ceremonie by the author’s H ottentot Pla ttje . A farmer’s account o f the great drought, and o f a hoard o f Caffres he had met with on the road. Galgebofch. N o water to b e had. V an Staade’s river. A r e vifited b y fome Gonaquas Hottentots. Defc ription o f the perfons, drefs, & c . o f thefe people; T h row their javelins at a mark. N o t remarkable for dexterity in this point. A grain called holcus forgum yields an inebriating liquor. T h e ir w ag gon in danger o f being blown into the air, from their having inadvertently fet fire to the grafs. Caroufal o f hunters. T h e falt-pans. Defcription o f the cimex paradoxus, or leaf-infedl. M r . Immelman fpits blood. Is in danger o f b eing toffed by buffaloes. Guinea-hens. Appearance o f the banks o f Sunday-river. H ire feveral Bofhies-men to attend them in th eir expedition. G iv e chafe to an uncommon fpeeies o f wood-fwine. D e fc r ip tion o f thefe animals. H o ttentot or baftard Caffres, T h e ir dance and fong. Voluptuous praftices o f the youths o f both fexes dur ing dancing. Envenomed wound. Curious milk-bafkets. Method o f m ilk in g . Circumcifion prailifed b y thefe people. Conclufion o f the m ilk in g by finging and dancing, T h e author turns conjuror. Baftard- Caffre conjuror well paid. F o x-ta ils for warm weather. Buffalo- lic e , p . 37. C H A P . XI. J o u r n e y f r o m L i t t l e S u n d a y S -r i v e r t o B os-h i e s - m a n s - r i v e r . Concerto o f lions. T h e ir roaring defcribed. Preparations made againft an attack from thefe beafts. Animals fear the lion b y i-nftinit, and perceive him at a diftance, even when he does not roar. L ion s few in a a number,
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