farther the traveller proceeds inland, the higher he finds the fituation. Thefe mountains we were informed were part of the Brenas, or Brequas. In this plain grows a fpecies of Mi- mofa peculiar to this part of the country ; and alfo a beautiful fhrub, called the Wild Apricot; of this I could procure no perfect fpecimen, the fruit being ripe at this time. The country is here inhabited by Zebras, Rhinocerofes, Cameloparda- lifes, Koedoes, &c. We refted our horfes during the next day, intending afterwards to diredt our courfe weft north-weft towards a hot bath. In our way we faw fix Camelopardalifes, which we purfued ; one of them, my companion, Mr. Van Renan, fh o t; it proved to be a male ; the Ikin and lkeleton of which I preferved; the dimenfions were, Feet. Inches. The height of his natural pofition, from the hoof to the top of the horns, , . . . . . 1 4 9 Ditto from the hoof to the fhoulder, . . . 9 Ditto from the hind hopf to the rump, . . 8 i f Length of the fore l e g s , ..................................5 7 Ditto of the hind legs, . . . . . 5 6\ Ditto of the mane from the head to the Ihoulders, 5 2 | Ditto of the body from the fhoulder to the rump, 5 9 Circumference of the neck below, . . . 5 o Ditto in the m i d d l e , ....................................... 3 1 0 Ditto at the head, , . . . . . 3 I Length of the neck, . . . « . . 5 3 Ditto of the tail without the hair, . . . 3 9f f | ■ CAMELOPARD ALIS.
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