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C 99 3 F O U R T H J O U R N E Y . Rie Beck’s Caßle— Verloren Valley— Lofe our way— Joined by Colonel Gordon — Separate again— Depredations by Lions— Hartebeeß Rivier— Joined again by Colonel Gordon— Arrive at the laß houfe to the northward, along the Atlantic Ocean— Fear o f the natives to accompany us— Dreary defarts A ßiäin g fea r city o f water— Lofe Mr. Binar, Colonel Gordon’s companion — Oßrich'sneß— Orange River— Beautiful plants— Meet with Mr. P in ar: dißrefsfulßtuation o f that gentleman, and the Hottentots who accompanied him— Wild M en: unable to form any intercourfe with them: defcription o f their huts— Converfe at length with, the natives— The Country very thinly inhabited— Government and manners o f thefe favages— Plant ufed by the Hottentots to produce fire— Herb o f Zebras— Horned Snake— Part with Colonel Gordon— Copper Berg— Defcription o f the woods on Orange River, and the animals found there— Lions River— Manners o f the people in this part o f Africa— Curious fpecies o f Sheep— Obfervations on the African mountains— Camelopardalis— Small Nimiqua Land—Camdinie Rivier— Hunting the Antelope— Plant made ufe o f fo r poifoning Hyenas. the eighteenth of June, feventeen hundred and feventy- ,779. ~ nine, I again departed from the Cape T own, in company u”e' , with Mr. Sebaitian Van Renan. We direfled our courfe to Ronde Bofch, his father’s houfe, where we were detained three days by the inclemency of the weather. Upon leaving this place, we proceeded north, towards the Groena Kloaf, a country of which the greateft part belongs to the Dutch Company. After palling a heavy fand, we arrived

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