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fill: n Early on the morning of the twenty-feventh, we fallied forth towards the north, and afcended a ileep hill, where I 1— .— 1 collected many beautiful plants. At night we came to a Hottentot village, which confifted of nineteen huts, and about one hundred and fifty inhabitants. The enfign of authority, which is worn by their chief or captain, is a cane with a brafs top, which is given to him by the Dutch company. The Hottentots amufed us, part of the night, with their dancing; while, in return, we treated them with tobacco and Dacka. Their mufic is produced from flutes made of the bark of trees of different fizes. The men form themfelves into a circle, with their flutes, and the women dance round them, making a noife with their hands. In this manner they continue to dance in parties during the whole night, and are relieved about every two hours. From this place, on the twenty-eighth, we direded our courfe wefterly, after afcending a fteep mountain, where our waggon was much damaged. Here we had a view of the Atlantic ocean, about thirty miles to the weilward. At noon we came to a fountain, where were feveral Hottentot huts: this is'called the Eye Fountain, by the natives, from one of them having had his eye ftruck out here in a quarrel with the others. The foil is clay, intermixed with large round ftones. In this part of the country I colleded a variety of plants. In the evening we came to a fmall itream of water, where we flept. I

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