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this river joins another, called the Thorn River. The foil in this part of the country is clay. The next morning we directed out courfe to the northward, and in the forenoon came to the Black Thorn River ; which has its fource at the Camis Berg. This is one of the higheft mountains in this part of the country, and fupplies the greateft part of the Small Nimiqua Land with water in the fummer. At this river we flayed all day, having excellent p.afture and good water for ou.r cattle. The following day we continued our journey north-weft, and entered the Small Nimiqua Land. The country is very mountainous. Moft of the hills are covered with the Aloe Dichotoma. In the afternoon we arrived under the Camis Berg, where we met with a peafant who had been fome miles to the northward, inquiring after fome of his friends; he was on his way to thg Cape. There being a good fupply of water at this place, we refolved to continue here all night; and in the morning we directed our coaft towards the w e ft; and in our road paffed feveral dangerous precipices. At noon we refted, about an hour, by a fmali ftream of water. In the afternoon we proceeded in the fame direction ; and in the evening came'to a houfe belonging to a Dutchman, fituated on the banks of a pleafant river, called the Green River. Here we flayed all night. The Hottentots brought us milk, for which we gave them tobacco and Dacka, or hemp leaves, which they prefer even to tobacco.

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