.attempts to storm it ;.but were always driven back with great loss; and Mansong, finding Daisy more formidable than he expected, resolved to cut off his'supplies, and starve him into submission. He accordingly sent all the prisoners he had taken, into Bambarra ; and having collected a considerable quantity of provisions, remained with his army two whole months in the vicinity of Gedingooma, without doing any thing decisive. During this time he was much harassed by sallies from the besieged; and his stock of pi oyisions being nearly exhausted, he sent to Ali, the Moorish King of Ludamar, for two hundred horsemen, to enable him to make an attack upon the north gate of the town, and give the Bambarrans an opportunity of storming the place, AJi, though he had made an agreement with Mansong at the commencement. of the war, to afford him assistance, now refused to fulfil his engagement; which ¡so enraged Mansong, that he marched part of his army to Funingkedy, with a view to surprise the camp of Benowm ; but the Moors having received intelligence of his design, fled to the northward ; and Mansong, without attempt*- ingany thing farther, returned to Sego. This happened while I was myself in; captivity in Ali's camp, as twill hereafter be seen. As the King of Kaarta had now got quit of hismost formidable antagonist, it might have been hoped that . .peace would have been restored to his dominions ; but an extraordinary, incident involved him, immediately afterward, in. hostilities with Kasson; the king of which country dying about that time, the succession was disputed by his two,sons. The younger (Sambo Sego, my old acquaintance) prevailed; and drove his brother from the country. He fled to Gedingooma; and being pur-, sued thither, Daisy, who had lived in constant friendship with both the brothers, refused to deliver him up ; at the same time declaring that he would not support his claim, nor any way interfere in the quarrel. , Sambo Sego, elated with success, and proud of the homage that was paid him as sovereign of Kasson, was much displeased with Daisy’s conduct, and joined with some disaffected fugitive Kaartans in a plundering expedition against him. Daisy, who little expected such a visit, had sent a number of people to J-oko, to plant corn, and collect together such cattle as they might find straying in the woods, in order to. supply his army. All these people fell into the hands of Sambo. Sego, who carried them to Kooniakary, and afterwards sent them in caravans, to be sold to the French at Fort Louis, on- the river Senegal. This attack was soon retaliated ; for Daisy, who was now in: distress for want o f provisions, thought he was justified in supplying himself from the plunder of Kasson. He accord- ingly took with him eight hundred of his best men, and marching secretly through the woods, surprised, in the night, three large, villages near Kooniakary, in which many of his traitorous subjects, who were in Sambo’s expedition, had taken- up their residence ; all these, and indeed all the able men that fell into Daisy’s hands, were immediately put to death. After this expedition, Daisy began to indulge the hopes of peace ; many of his discontented subjects had returned to their allegiance, and were repairing the towns which had been desolated by the war ; the rainy season was approaching ; and every
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