PREFACE. T h e following Journal, drawn up from original minutes and notices made at the proper moment and preserved with great difficulty, is now offered to the Public by the direction of my noble and honourable employers, the Members of the African Association. I regret that it is so little commensurate to the patronage I have received. As a composition, it has nothing to recommend it, but truth. It is a plain, unvarnished tale; without pretensions of any kind, except that it claims to enlarge, in some degree, the circle of African geography. For this purpose, my services were offered, and accepted by the Association; and, I trust, I have not laboured altogether in vain. The work, however, must speak for itself; and I should not have thought any preliminary observations necessary, if I did not consider myself called upon, both by justice and gratitude, to offer those which follow. Immediately after my return from Africa, the acting Committee of the Association,* taking notice of the time it would * T h is Committee consists o f the following Noblemen and Gentlemen \ Earl o f Moira, Lord Bishop o f LandafF, Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, President o f the a 2
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