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Bind or tie, aseeti. Bird, cono. Bite, v. heeng. Black, fing. Blood, jollie. Blue, fingma; (blackish.) Boil, v. fagee. Bone, cooloo• Book, hit tab a. Borrow, la. Bottomt joot Bow, kalla. Boy, heading; (literally, “ male child” .) Brave, fattee. Bread, munho. Break, v. ajfara; (the same word signifies t( to k ill” or “ to destroy.” ) Breasts, sonjoo. Bring, insambo. Brother, ba-ding-hea; (literally i( mother’s male child.” ) Burn, v. ageni. Buy (or sell), saun. C a ll, v. ahilli. Carry, asambo. Ca t, neancon. Catch, v. amuta. Chest or coffer, hoonio. Child, ding; ( if very young, ding ding.) Cloth, fauno. Cold, ninno. Come, na. Coming, abenalt• Completely, betihi. Cook, v . tabbee. Corn, neo. Country, doo. C ow , nessee moosa. Crowd, n. setima. C ry , v . ahumbo. Cunning, n. a. hissee. Cut, v . tegi. Danger, torro. Dark, dibbie. Daughter, ding moos a ; {liierallyt (i female c h i ld ly D a y , teelee. Dead, asata. Deep, adoonta. Desist, attoo. D ew , combi. D ie , v . sa. Dir t, no. Disease, janhra. Dispute, degama. Dog, woola. Door, da; (this is a word o f very extensive use, being applied to whatever opens and shuts.) Down , ad. dooma. Dream, v . sibota. Dream, n. s. sibo. Drink, v. ameen. Dry , (arid) ajata. Ear, toola. Earth, (soil) banho. Earth, (globe) banho hang. East, teelee bo; (“ sunrise.” ) Eat, adumrno. Elephant, samma. Empty, fing tigte; (“ nothing here.” ) Enough, heyento. Entertain, (a guest) fanda. Expert, cumering; (“ active, clever, & c .” ) Ey e, nea. Face, (the same as for the eye.) F a ll, v. but. F a r off, jangfata. Fast, v . soong. F at, heng. Father, fa . Fear, v. seelan. Feather, tee ; (it signifies also hair and wool.) Female, moosa. Fever, candea. F ew , do. Fight, v . ahilli. F ill, afundi. Finger, boulla bonding• Fire, deemba. F ish, yeo. Flesh, sooboo. Food, hinnee. Fool, fooring. Foot, sing; (signifies also “ the leg.” ) Forget, neanata. Free, horea. Fresh, hinde (signifies also, healthy). Friend, barrio. Fruit, eree ding; (“ child o f the tree.” ) F ull, affata. Giv e , insong. Glad, lata. G o , v. ta. God, alia• Gold, sanoo. Good, bettie. Great, baa. Grass, bingi Gra y , aqueta. Guard, v . tenhoong. Half, tella. Handsome, aniniata. Hang up, deng. Hate, v . ahoong. He , etti. Head, hoon. Hear, moi. Heart, jusu. Heaven, santo; (the Mahomedan N e groes commonly say, iljinna.) Heavy, acooliata. Hell, johaniba. Hen, soosee moosa. Herb, jambo. S B 2

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