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found in white quartz, which had been broken to pieces by hammers. At this town I met with a Negro, whose hair and skin' were of a dull white colour. He was of that sort which are called in the Spanish West Indies Albinos, or white Negroes. The skin is cadaverous and unsightly, and the natives considered this complexion (I believe truly) as the effect of disease. May 1 ith. At daybreak we departed from Dindikoo, and after a toilsome day's travel, arrived in the evening at Satadoo, the capital of a district of the same name. This town was formerly of considerable extent; but many families had left it in consequence o f the predatory incursions of the Foulahs of Foota Jalla, who made it a practice to come secretly through the woods, and carry off .people from the corn-fields, and even from the wells near the town. In the afternoon of the 12th, we. crossed the Fafemd river, the same Which I had formerly crossed at Bondou in my journey eastward. This river, at this season of the year, is easily forded at this place, the stream being only about two feet deep. The water is very pure, and flows rapidly Over a bed of sand and gravel. W*e lodged for the night at a small village tailed Medina, the sole property of a Mandfngo merchant, who, by a long intercourse with Europeans, has been induced to adopt sdme of their customs. B is victuals were served up in pewter dishes, and even his houses were built after the fashion o f the English houses on the Gambia. May i j th . In the morning, as we were preparing to depart, a coffle Of slaves belonging to some Serawoolli traders, crossed the river, and agreed to proceed with us to Baniserile, the capital of Dentila; a very long day’s journey from this place. We ’ accordingly set out together, and travelled with great espc- dition, through the woods, until noon; when one of the Sera- -woolli slaves dropt the load from his head, for which he m s smartly whipped. The load was replaced; hut he had pot .proceeded above a mile before he let ft fall a second time, for which lie .received ¿he.seme punishment, After this he irayefted in great pain until about two o'clock, when wo sfopt to breathe a little, by a pool of water, the day being remarkably fofo The poor slave was now so completely exhausted fhaf his master was obliged to release him from the rope, for he lay motionless 00 the ground. A Serawoolli therefore undertook to remain with him, and endeavour to bring him to the town during the cool of the nigh t: in the meanwhile we continued our route, and after a very hard day a travel, arrived at Jbaniserile late in the evening. One of,our Slatees was a native of this place, from which he had been absent three years. This roan invited me to g o with him to his house; at the gate of which his friends met him, with many expressions of jo y ; shaking lands with .him, embracilé him, and singing and dancing before Mm- As soon as he had seated himself upon a mat, by ¡the threshold of his door, a. young woman (his Intended bride) brought a little water in a calahash, and kneeling down before him, desired him to wash his hands : when he had done this, the g ir l w ith a tear of joy sparkling in her eyes, drank .the wa ter; this being considered as the greatest proof she could possibly give him o f her fidelity and attachment. About eight o’clock the same evening, the Sera- Y y 2

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