war on Kanem set the wild tribes in motion, and a ferment arose, which, even three years after, was not appeased. The Sheikh of Kanem, whom I have already mentioned, was fortunate enough, on this dreadful occasion, to escape to Birnie, many of his family having fallen sacrifices to Mukni’s barbarity. In Bomou there is current a small copper coin of little value, which is struck in the country. Gold is also used, but more generally as an ornament, than as an object of exchange. The people are called Believers, but a great part of them are Kaffirs. Their dresses, in the most civilized parts, are of cotton. Their arms are lances, bows, and arrows: the Sheikh and a few of the Sultan’s guards have muskets ; but they are unable to make good powder. It is reported, that in Birnie are 60,000 horsemen, who have armour for themselves and horses, which are small but hardy, and are said not to run as other horses do, but to spring forward by repeated bounds: large ones are in great request, and are chiefly purchased from the Fezzan traders. Wedda, »3, or cowrie shells, are not used as money, but as ornaments, and bands for the head. The country is very fertile, producing com and fruits; amongst others the Tamarind, or fruit of the Indies. The woods are numerous, and the trees very large and shady: from these the boards are brought on which prayers are written, and children taught to read. From Tegerry to Kanem is 20 days south by east; Kanem to Bomou is 15 south by west. Many of the Kaffles pass over the countries of the Tibboo, and through the desert of Bilma, from whence they enter on the borders of Bornou. As I intend speaking of these places on a future occasion, the routes I shall there mention may be taken as the nearest. OP KA SHN A A N D SOUDAN IN G E N E R A L . PR OM MORZOUK TO KA 8H N A . South-west by south. Morzouk to Akraf..................... 14 days. Akraf to Felezlis ....................... 4 Felezlis to Tadent.................... 4 Tadent to A ssieu ..................... 6 Assieü to Trajeet..................... 4 Trajeet to Seloofia.................... 2 Seloofia to Aghades.................. 2 Aghades to Begzam ...... 3 Begzam to Ghrulghiwa............ 3 Ghrulghïwa to Tagama ............ 7 Tagama to Kashna.................... 7 56 days, of 20 miles per diem. Aghades is a large district, having a town of the same name; it is 36 days from Morzouk in summer, and in winter is sometimes 45. It is 15 or 20 days from Kashna; 20 from Bornou; 6 from Asouda; 3 or 4 from Begzam; 30 in summer, and 35 or 40 in winter, from Ghraat; and 40 from Tuat. The inhabitants are Tuarick of the tribe o f Kellewi. I t is a larger town than Morzouk ; the houses are of mud, and are built in the same style, and of the same size, as in Fezzan: some have a kind of second story. It is surrounded by a wall of mud and stone, o f sufficient strength to protect it. There is a very high Mouadden or Minaret to the principal mosque, which the Tuarick affect to consider higher than any in Egypt. The country is independent, and is governed by a Sheikh, who is a Mulatto, and of middle age, named Yusuffah. s 2
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