stripped by his slaves of the one he then wore, he put on the new one, first kissing, and thrice putting it to his head. I received a large packet of letters by Bookhalloum, who said he had often seen the Consul and Dr. Dickson; he also brought me money from a kind friend, who was aware of our distressed situation. From a number of persons, who had been on the recent expedition, I obtained the following account of the routes they had taken, which, as the narrators pretty generally agreed in them, I have reason to believe correct. Tegerry to Borgoo. Tegerry to Meshroo... South. South, a well. Meshroo to El Warr....... 2i Well amongst rocks. El Warr to El Fezzn.. 2 A well. E l Fezzn to Aboo....... South-east. ( This is a town of Tibesty, 4 j ■ j ’ (Febaboo of maps. South-south-east. Aboo to Wadey Khareet 1 A well. Wadey to Tow............ 1 Well in a wadey. Tow to Zooar.............. ,, 1 ) Bain water in the rocks. Zooar to Marmar..— L Marmar to Subka...... ..... 2i Well, and dome dates. Subka to Turké.......... 1 Well Turké to Borgoo........ East, f j 4 22 days. The chief town is called Yen.—The above are not towns, but resting-places. Yen to Kermedi....................... i day. Wann..................... 2 Gorr.............................. i El Bummel................ ^ Tikki........................... 2 Beddou......................... 2 Werda * 2 Yen is more properly a large nest of mud huts than a town. Its inhabitants are, in time of peace, very numerous, and are all Kaffirs. I t is to this place that the natives of Waday come in Kaflles to trade for slaves. Several of the King of Waday’s men were taken captive by Mukni’s people near this place. Tegerry to Bilma. South. Tegerry to Meshroo 2 days. Meshroo to El Warr. 2£ E l Warr to El Hammer 2 El Hammer to Maffrus... 9.\ Maffrus to Zhaia 2 Zhaia to Siggidum 1^ Siggidum to Annai 1 Annai to Kisbi................ 1 Kisbi to Dirki................... Dirki to Shenumma 1 Shenumma to Bilma 1 Total 17 days. A well. Well on a rock. A well. Bain water and dates. An old castle and well. Well and domes. Town. Town. Town. Town. Tibboo of the tribes Kawar, Wan- dela, Gunda, and Traita. All these are resting-places. Kawar and Bilma are not distinct countries, but are names of M M
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