morning I gave to the woman of the house in which we had stopped a dollar, which being a large sum, she appeared very grateful for, but at the same time begged a little butter also. When packing up, and preparing for my departure, she again attacked me, saying, “ What, then, will you not give me a little corn or some gaphooly, or other little present? You can come again, you know:” a specimen of Tibboo covetousness so closely allied to the Fezzan, that I suspect one tribe must have obtained some valuable hints from the other. A Fezzan proverb says, | Give a Morzoukowi your finger, he will beg first the elbow, and then the shoulder-bone, as keep-sakes.” The Tibboo on meeting after absence. do not shake or touch hands, as the Arabs do; but, squatting on their heels at some distance from each other, with their spears in their right hands, turn their backs, and continue for a time saying, “ La L a ! La L a ! La La!” which is their,salutation, and which signifies “peace.” They then rise, and, approaching each other, enter into conversation. The Tibboo speak very fast; and their language, which is full of liquid letters, is really very pretty, and not resembling any of the other Negro dialects. Many of the women came to ask for medicine to make them bear children*, some wanting boys, others girls; I was, however, obliged to disappoint them, declaring I had none which could ensure their wishes. This they one and all disbelieved, observing that they supposed I was unwilling to tell the secret to strangers; but that in my country, the land of the Nazarines, every one was acquainted with it. * The Tibboo girls are betrothed some time before they are married, in the ¡jame manner as the Arabs and Tripolines. Tibboo Language. One Trono. Horse Askee. Two Chew. Cow Farr. Three Agozoo. Ass Agurr. Four Tuzzaw. Camel Gonee. Five Fo. Sun Tooggoo. Six Dessee. Moon Aowree. Seven Tootoosoo. Hot Winnighi. Eight Oossoo. Cold Wow. Nine Issee. Blood Gherra. Ten Mordum. Bone Soorroo. Bird Woogghe. Take Gon. Fowli i Kokaiya. Rise Yerroo. Pot Goorroo. Eat Woo. Come Eery. Drink Ia. Go Yustoo. Wood Aka. Bring Kortoo. Stone Aai. Fire Oonee. Good Tirri. Water Aee. Bad Zuntoo. Food Tibbi. Man Aaih. Meat Yinni. Woman Adi. Dates Timbi. Girl Do. Sheep Hadinni. Boy Kallih. Salt Gillayli. Pepper Borkono. Face Enguddi. Hand Awana. Head Dafoo. Eye Soaa. Arm Kay. Mouth Ichee. Shoulder Afhirri. Nose Tcha. December 31st. We started at twelve o’clock, and on the sands met about fifty girls neatly dressed, dancing in two lines, and preceded by a couple of drummers. They advanced to us, and surrounded our horses, kneeling and singing choruses. After this H H
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