Horses, hair sacks, red, black, and yellow leather, ornamental bridles. Korans, and other religious books, elegantly written, and often illuminated with letters of gold or rich colours. I Kohol. The black powder used for the eyelids. Aaoud el Kagh. . A sweetmeat made of honey. Atria. A perfumed powder of cloves, wild lavender, and other sweet herbs, with which the Fezzan women powder their hair: the smell is by no means unpleasant. Trifles and toys are also brought in great quantities. In Soudan the people ride on Maherries. Half-way between Nooffy and Ashantee is a country of great extent, called Gonja. It is said that the people have the power of taming the elephants, which there, as in Soudan, are found in great numbers. This country is traversed by the traders in their way to the Gold Coast. The mountains of Kong, near Dagomba, are said actually to exist, but I know not whether under the same name. Beyond Dagomba the country is low and marshy, and at certain seasons is overflowed. All the people, who. are not Moslems, in Soudan, Bomou, or indeed over the greater part of the interior, are called Kerdi, which means Kaffir, or “ unbeliever,” and is considered as a term of reproach; but no distinct tribe called by that name exists. The women of the whole o f the interior have no hand-mills to grind their com, but pound it in large wooden mortars, enlivening their labour by songs. The want of salt is much felt. The Tuarick of Aghades and Asben, of the tribes of Kelliwe and Atesin, trade to great advantage in that article, which they bring from the salt
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