Natives—Inroads into the Negro Countries—State of the Slave Trade—Crimes and Punishments—Character of the Natives—Religion—State of' Literature and Ingenuity— Language—State of the Women—Records—Slavery and the Slave Trade —Laws relative to the: Issue of S l a v e s ...........................................................Page 270 CHAPTER VIII. Arrangements for our Departure from Morzouk—Parting with the Sultan—-Leave Mor- zouk to return to Tripoli—Sleep at Dgleim—Mode of conducting a Kaffle of Slaves I ^“ Arrival a t Ghroodwa—Pass two Days at Sebha—Are joined by more Kaffl^s— Marriage of an Arab—Account of the Wadey Shati—Arrive at Temenhint—Z eghen Om el Abeed—Pass of Kenair—Pass over the five Days Desert to Sockna—Troubles at Sockna—Further Description of that P la c e ...........................................................290 CHAPTER IX. Leave Sockna—Stop at Hammam—Well of Temedd—Sufferings of the Slaves—Arrive at Bonjem—Danger on the Desert—Zemzem—Sofageen—Storm in the Mountains -—See two Roman Ruins—Arrive at Zleetun—Description of that Place—Leave Zleetun—Visit Lebida—Illness—Arrival at Tripoli—Account of the Negroes of the Kaffle—General Notices of the Desert—Belford’s bad State of Health—Departure from Tripoli—Pass Quarantine at Leghorn—Return over the Continent to England ............................................................................................................ 323 TR AVE L S TRI POL I TO MOURZOUK . CHAPTER I. The Author’s Departure from Malta-Arrival at Tripoli-Character of Mohammed el Mukm, Bey of Fezzan-Equipment of Mr. Ritchie and the A uthor-Costume of the Natives of Tripoli-Character of the Marabouts, and Celebration of their annual Festival The Natives of T rip o li-T h c ir Habits, Customs, &c— PubIic B a th ^ - Pumdiments-Costumes of the Womeri-Tripoline Marriages and F u im ra ls- Funeral of the Bashaw’s Grand-daughter-Hesignatiori of M. Dupont—Journey to the Ghanan Mountains and Benioleed, in Company with Mr. R itchie^General Appearance of the Country—Arrival a t the Gharian Mountains—Visit to the S h e ijth - ShurtAccount of the Passes-Roman TomR-Castle of Gharian-Distressed State of Usadena Account of the People of Gharian-Set out for Benioleed,. through the gravelly D esert-Arrival at Benioleed-Character of the In h ab itan ts -Its Popula tion Description of the A rab s-T h e ir Religion, Manners, Habits, &c. IN the month of September, 1818, Mr. Ritchie, a gentlenian of great science and ability, employed by the British government on a mission to the interior o f Africa, arrived at Malta from Marseilles attended by M. Dupont, a Frenchman in Imvpay, whom he had engaged for the purpose of collecting and preparing objects o f natural history. I t was understood that Captain Manyat, of the Royal Navy, was also to have accompanied Mr. Ritchie; but that circumstances had occurred which induced that gentleman to re
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