1S4 Euphorbium. grows in sandy places, near the surface o f the earth, where it is discovered b y the ligh t soil appearing swelled and cracked. If is not planted, but grows spontaneously; some are black, others white, but the former are the b e s t ; both, however, have a black rind, which does not peel off like that o f a potatoe, but is cu t or pared like that o f an apple. T h e Arabs, Moors, SheJIuhs, and Jews, equally prize the truffle; it is therefore in great demand, and used in all made dishes, and is a v e r y delicate, nutritious, and wholesome food • they are also h ig h ly stimulating, on w hich account they are more esteemed among this amorous people than for their delicate taste; they are p a r ticu lar ly palatable with wine, and often introduced in the dessert. T h e y are v e ry good boiled in water or in steam. In Suse, Abda, and Bled-el-jerrede, the y are found in great abundance. The season for them is March, when the storms o f thunder preva il. Afte r a storm, the people repair to the sandy plains, dig them up, and bring them to the towns, where, being in great demand, th e y sell at a costly price. g um s , o il s , fcc. Euphorbium.— Furbiune is the Arabic name o f this gum, which is produced by a very curious succulent plant, growing on the A tla s mountains, and called b y the Shelluhs and Arabs, Eergmuse;* in its general form, it resembles a large goblet (see the Plate ), and is somewhat like a wild thistle. From the main body o f the plant proceed several solid leafless branches, about three inches in circumference, and one in diameter, from the top o f which shoot out similar ones, each bearing on its summit a*, v iv id crimson flower ; these branches are scolloped, and have * Probably the Euphorbium officinalis of Linnaeus. I lS Battery on, a Jioo/cy around/, fo rm in g the N orth, entrance to the Jiort. yiy Capo TegriweZt or Ossim/. 120 Road/ Cor Shipping. 122 B eatery where the State Prisoners are/ connncd/,. previous to their transportation/ to the Island/. . IZZ Sandy Beach,.
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