another part is allotted to those who fry meat, and make a light kind o f bread called Sfinge, fried in oil, and eaten with honey. Animals are not suffered to be slaughtered in the c i t y ; this is done at a distance from it, near the river, and the meat is sent from thence to the different shops in the town, but first to the Mutasseb, or officer who superintends the price o f provisions, who, after examining it, sets a price upon it on a piece o f paper; this the venders show to the people, who buy at the rate affixed. T h e inhabitants o f Fas are fond o f poultry, which they rear in cages to prevent them from running about the house, and dirting the rooms. T he Kasseria is a square place walled round, and divided into twelve wards, two o f which are allotted to the shoe-makers, who work for the princes and gentlemen ; the others consist o f silk- mercers and cloth and linen shops. T he re are sixty (Dellel) criers, or itinerant auctioneers, who receive from the various shops, pieces o f cloth, linen, See. and go in g: about crying (al ziada) “ who bids more,” sell the lot to the highest bidder. . Fas Jedide, or New Fas, which lies contiguous to Old Fas, is a w e ll built town, in which are the looms and other machinery for the different trades. T he gardens here abound with all sorts o f delicious fru its; and roses and other odoriferous flowers perfume the serene air, so that it is ju s t ly called a paradise. Westward, towards the Emperor’s palace, stands a castle, built b y one o f the princes o f the Luntuna family, wherein the Kings o f Fas kept their court before the palace was b u i l t ; but when New Fas was begun b y the sovereigns o f the Marin dynasty, the castle became the residence o f the Governor o f the city» Terodant. 73 T E R O D A N T . This is the metropolis o f the South, and was formerly that o f the kingdom o f Suse : the town is spacious, and v e ry ancient. The buildings, generally speaking, are handsome. T h e re is a magnificent palace here, with gardens producing in abundance a variety o f the most delicious fruits. T h e adjacent plains are incredibly fertile. T h e population o f this c ity has decreased considerably ; it is now celebrated for salt-petre o f a v e r y superior qua lity ; for the manufacture o f leather, and for saddles; also for dyeing. T h e riv er Suse passes through the town. Tero- dant has stood various sieges; and during the last, the inhabitants were reduced to the necessity o f eating rats and dogs, and burning their doors for fuel. L
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