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Present State o f the City o f Marocco. 57 direct communication with Timbuctoo, and Soudan, and supply that immense territory with European manufactures at the second hand, which th e y now receive at the fifth and sixth. Having said thus much about the coast, we w ill proceed to describe the principal inland towns, v iz . Marocco, Mequinas, Fas, and Terodant. MAROCCO. T h e city o f Marocco is situated in a fruitful plain, abounding in grain, and all the other necessaries o f life, and depastured by- sheep and cattle, and horses o f a superior breed, called (Sift A in Toga) the breed o f A in T o g a . A t a distance, the c ity has a beautiful'and romantic appearance, the adjacent country being interspersed with groves o f the lo fty palm, and the towering snow-topped mountains o f Atlas, in the back-ground, seem to cool the parched and weary traveller reposing in the p la in s ; for although none “ Can hold a fire in his hand, “ By th in k in g o n th e fro sty C a u c a s u s S h a k s p e a r e . y et, in the sultry season, the traveller, b y view in g these mountains, experiences an agreeable sensation, difficult to be described. T h e lily o f the v a lle y , the fleur-de-lis, lupins, roses, jonquils, mignonet, jasmines, violets, the orange and citron flowers, and many others, grow here spontaneously; and in the months o f March and A p r il, the air in the morning, is strongly perfumed w ith their grateful and delicious odours. T h e fruits are, oranges o f the finest flavour, figs o f various kinds, water aud musk melons, apricots, peaches, and various kinds o f grapes, pears, dates, plums, and pomgranates.

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