AN ACCOUNT OF THE EMPIRE OF MAROCCO, &¡c. 8¡c. CHAPTER I. Geographical Divisions o f the Empire o f Morocco. T h e empire o f Marocco,* including Tafilelt,+ is bounded on th e north b y the Mediterranean s e a ; on the east b y T lem sen ,i the Desert o f Angad, Sejin Messa,§. and B led -el-je rred e ; || on the south b y Sahara (or the Great D e s e r t) ; and on the west by the A tlantic Ocean. It may be divided into four grand d iv isions. 1st, T h e northern division, which contains the provinces o f E r r e e f ,f El Garb, Benihassen, Temsena, Shawia, T ed ia , and the district o f Fas ; * * these are inhabited b y Arabs o f various tribes, liv in g in tents, whose original stock inhabit Sahara ; to * M a v a k u sh a in the original Arabic ; and called by the Spaniards Marruecos. t Commonly called Tablet. } In many maps called Tremecin. § Commonly called Sigelmessa. || Commonly called Bilednlgetid. It is through this province that the chain of mountains called the Lesser Atlas passes, viz. from Tangier to Bona, in the Kingdom of Algiers.- * # Commonly called Fez. B
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