is an error, and I may presume, from the nature o f the assertion, that the Ambassador, like many others, who are sent to Mohammedan countries, knew nothing o f the A rabic language, and that he was obliged to negociate through some Jewish interpreter. T h e washing is merely , a necessary ceremony, and is similar to our custom o f going washed and clean to church ; it is a purifying o f the shell, or the outward man, prayers are a purifying o f the kernel o r inward m an ; as b y purifying the kernel, the amendment o f the heart is implied. W ith regard to spirits or devils (called Jin, Sing, and Jimme (p i.) ; Sale translates Genii, which is the word Jin, with the vow e l point thus, L§£ jinee), Philip Guadagnolo,* in his apology for the Christian religion, p . 291, asserts, that the Koran is fu ll o f contradictions, from what it says about devils in the chapter ¿ailed the chapter o f D ev ils ; but this is really the chapter o f spirits (Genii, spirits), for o f these Mohammedans admit three kinds, besides the departed souls o f men, called Roh Benadam, v iz . JV Lucifer, the chie f o f the devils, is called Shetan. 2. A ll rebellious or deformed spirits belonging to Shetan are called Iblis. T he 3d kind are called Genii, in Arabic Jinune; they are both good and bad, offensive and inoffensive, and assume various forms. T h e good are called Melik. O f sins, the Mooselmin affirm envy to have been the first committed in heaven and on e a r th ; they say Iblis envied A d am ; when God ordered all Angels to honour him, he tacitly condemned God ; and expostulated with him on ordering him, who was made o f fire, to adore or honour the first man, who * He translated the Bible into Arabic in 1671. was made from earth. ‘ Now,’ said the wretch Iblis, * it is not just that the superior being should honour the inferior ; and he was cast down from heaven for his disobedience : thus env y was the first sin in heaven. Kabel and Habel (the Arabic names o f Cain and Abel) offered sacrifice to God ; the offerings o f Habel met with a more favourable reception; Kabel env ied him and killed him ; so envy first occasioned infidelity in heaven, and murder on earth. The heighth o f the celestial happiness is to see G o d ; all those elegant descriptions o f beautiful virgins, rivers flowing with honey, gardens o f delicious fruits, &c. which are said b y some to compose the happiness o f the Mohammedan paradise, are allegorical descriptions. Chap. x l.— “ W h o eve r shall be lieve and do good works, “ whether man or woman, shall enter paradise. Thus we see that the fate o f the Mohammedan women is not altogether so deplorable as some Christians ha ve made it. Peter C e v a lle r , in his Z e l u s Chrisli contra Saracenos, p. 137, speaking o f Mohammed, say s— “ This madman places Hainan “ in the time o f Pharoah, which is such a p roof o f his igno- “ ranee, as ought to put him and all his beastly followers to an “ eternal silence.” Peter Cevaller, it appears, was not apprised that Pharaoh was a general name for all the kings of the Pharoah dynasty, which continued to reign in Egypt many centuries. T he Mohammedans, moreover, have many traditions about a man o f the name o f Hainan, who was a general o f one o f the Pharaohs. Bartholomew o f Edessa, in p. 442 o f the Faria Sacra, pub
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