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Catholics, w ho worship a cross, or an image, carved by the hands o f m an: as to the English, they seem not to have determined what denomination to giv e them ; they are commonly called infidels, who never pray ; this opinion having obtained among them because Protestants have no public chapels in the Mohammedan towns in Africa, which the Catholics have, as already mentioned. T h e y have it on record, that the sultan of the English (Richard Coeur de Lion) received from the Sultan Solhaden or Saladine, or from Mohammed himself, the letter admitting him and his followers as Mohammedans: but that the English king being engaged in various négociations whilst in Palestine, he did not giv e so much attention to the letter as was expected, and that after returning to England, he still doubted whether he should embrace the Mohammedan doctrine, or rev main a Christian ! It is highly probable, in that age o f fanaticism, when, the holy wars were undertaken, that the Sultan Saladine, apprehensive for the cause o f Mohammedanism, did make overtures to Richard; for it was the custom in the days o f Mohammed-, and afterwards in the d a y so i those enthusiasts, to invite all povveilul princes to embrace their religion. T h e 2nd, 5 th, and 9 th chapters o f the Koran declare a believer to be one who embraces the Mohammedan faith (i. e. a,belief in the divine inspiration o f the Prophets, o f Jesus, and o f Mohammed); this and Islaemism are synonymous terms. Kpran, chap. v .— “ If Jews and Christians believe, they shall be admitted into paradise.” 1. Believe, implies a belief in one God, and o f the d a y o f judgment, the two grand pillars oflslaemism. 2. Believe in Islaemism ; this admits o f various interpretations : Islaem is performing obedience and prostration before God ! iu another interpretation it implies Mohammedanism, or a Relief in the divine mission o f Mohammed. Tfie generality o f religions, which have made any progress in the world, make it indispensable to believe in its own tenets: Mohammed, although he naturally gives the preference to the religion o f his own forming, yet he has the liberality to acknowledge, that those who have professed other religions may be saved, after suffering ,a degree o f chastisement or damage in the life to come, as it is termed by him. “ Whoever shall have professed any religion except Islaemism, his b e lie f shall noj be acceptable to God, 3tid be shall receive damage in the life to c om e ,o rb en o tsow e ll received, as if be had professed Islaemism, or the law o f peace and obedience.” Although the Prophet reprobated the Jews as well as the Christians, whom he accused o f perverting thé Scriptures, yet he took care to keep up the latitudinariau principle o f his own law, called Dêne-el-Wasah (the extended doctrine)by believing the divine inspiration o f both the Old and New Testament, thus giv ing an opportunity to the expounders o f the law, to regu late themselves according to circumstances. T h e Mohammedans, when disputing with Christians, which they rarely do, say, that Christians believe faith will save the soul : they also believe so ; and that i f their religion is the true one, they will go to Paradise; the y tell us, i f your’s be the true one, we both shall go there, because we believe in the div inity o f Christ, but y o u do not be lie ve in that o f Mohammed, therefore, i f faith save the soul, we have th e . advantage o f y ou in being, in any case, on the safe side.* • This is similar lo the Catholic lady, who/worshipping the picture of Satau D D

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