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45. The same, in which the quartz grains are very firmly cemented by dark- red or brown siliceous iron-stone, sometimes enclosing larger rounded grains and small pebbles; the whole forming a very hard compact conglomerate with conchoidal shining fractural surface. “ From between Om el Abeed to Sebha, and near Zuela.” 46. Fragment of a mass of quartzy sandstone and compact brown ironstone, externally stalactic reed-like, with black glossy surface. “ From the hills Of Wady Ghrarby.” 47. Brown ferruginous sandstone, nearly compact, and with drused cavities, enclosing yellowish nodules of magnesian limestone. “ Forms the upper part of numerous low hills, and the surface of exposed parts on the road from Hamera to Zuela.” 48. À mass of yellow and brown ferruginous sandstone with amorphous botryoidal surface, unequally penetrated by siliceous brown oxide of iron, which produces thè appearance of a mixture of brown ochrey clay-ironstone. Near Timinhint, forming the summit of hills.” 49. Wood-hornstone ; dark brown, with lighter coloured centre, being part of a cylindrical stem or branch of a dicotyledonous tree. “ From between Mestoota and Gatrone.” 50. Flint composed of conchoidal distinct concretions, some of them forming nuclei ; the layers of alternating brown and white colours, irregularly curved. “ Quantities strewed over the plain from Temasta to Bonjem.” 51. Yellowish-grey flint passing into hornstone, in irregularly angular pieces, with brown glossy corroded surface. *•' La Saila; hills of silex and opal.” 52. White hornstone ; a boulder with corroded glossy surface. “ Strewed in large quantities between Wady el Beny and Wilkna, and oil the summit of gypsum hills.” 53. Yellowish-white substance intermediate between hornstone and calce- dony, in angular pieces, with cream-coloured cacholong on the surface. “ On the way from Gatrone to Tegerhy.” 54. Brownish-red Camelian ; a fragment, with irregularly botryoidal yellowish decomposed surface. From ditto. 55. Several fragments of variously shaped rough sand tubes; internal surface highly glazed. “ From the sands near Dibla.” 56. Lithomarge, reddish-brown, here and there variegated with bluish-green and greyish, in fragments with rather tuberculated surface. “ Aghadem, beds in the sandstone.” 57- The same, but penetrated by iron ochre, and much harder; with small imbedded pyriform concretions. From ditto. 58. Brownish-red and yellowish-grey variegated slaty clay, very soft and unctuous to the touch. From ditto. 59. Small-foliated amorphous gypsum, confusedly crystallized, with adhering red marl. “ From the curiously formed gypsum hills of Bonjem to Hormut and Takui, with large quantities of opal on the top.” 60. Some specimens of white, granular, and foliated gypsum ; one of the varieties composed of wedge-shaped laminss. Bonjem. 61. Large-foliated white selenite. “ Close to the Tchad, Kanem.” 62. Compact limestone, of bluish-grey colour, divisible into tabular frag, ments. “ Benioleed, under the basalt.” 63. Light cream-coloured nearly compact limestone, in tabular fragments ; fracture even, fractural surface slightly glimmering. Benioleed. 64. Fragment of a similar variety of limestone, with conchoidal fracture. “ Benioleed,; lowest observable stratum except one.” 65. Compact limestone, of a reddish and cream yellow colour, variegated with pale brown, of very close texture, and small-conchoidal fracture. “ Hills to the north of Benioleed.” 66. Fragment of a greenish-grey tabular magnesian limestone, splendent on the fractural surfaces, the lustre produced by a curved-lamellar, though (in one direction) apparently compact structure. “ O n the ridges between Meshroo and Tegerhy.” 67. Yellowish-red, close-grained, nearly compact limestone, here and there with minute scales ; external exposed surface uneven, glossy. Temedetan, forming thick strata.” 68. Rolled fragment, of a reddish-yellow variety of magnesian limestone, with glossy surface, and of earthy fracture, including some dark-coloured grains, (oxide of manganese?) “ Found in the deserts, sometimes finely dendritic.” 69. Light cream-coloured hard (magnesian) limestone, with earthy uneven fracture; the exposed surface shining, partly corroded, partly smooth. “ Hills of Gaaf.” 70. A similar variety. “ From the Assoud, Wady el Malagi.” 71. A rolled fragment of yellowish-grey compact limestone (magnesian), of l l i

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