Genus. P h a la c ro co ra x . Briss. Species 23.—Phalacrocorax pygmceus. Pelecanus pygmæus. Pall. Reise. II. 712. t. G. Dwarf Shag. Lath. Gen. Hist. X. 431. Cormoran pygmée, jun. Temm. Man. d’Om. p. 901. This bird, which agrees very accurately with M. Temminck’s description of the young of his Cormoran pygmée, was met with by Major Denham on one of the smaller lakes in central Africa. He describes the species as very rarely occurring. Genus. P l o t u s . Linn. Species 24— Plotus melanogaster. Plotus melanogaster. Gmel. I. 580. Anhinga melanogaster. Forst. Zool. Ind. p. 22. 1.12. Anhinga de Cayenne. PI. Enl. 959. Black-bellied Anhinga. Penn. Ind. Zool. p. 13. t. 12. Black-bellied Darter. Lath. Gen. Hist. X. 451. This bird was seen but once or twice during the course of the expedition. It was met with on one of the smaller lakes. It seems to have a very extensive geographical distribution, being found in the New World, in the islands of Java and Ceylon, and now in the interior of Africa. There are remnants of several other species of birds in the collection, consisting chiefly of bills, legs, and wings. Among them we can trace the apparent remains of the Ciconia alba, Briss. ; Ardea garzetta, Linn. ; different species of the genus Lamprotomis, Temm. ; with various others, of which we regret that we cannot venture to give any description. The foregoing twenty-four species are all that we can undertake to determine upon with accuracy. Classis. R e p t il ia . And. Ordo. S a u r i e n s . Cuv. Tribus. L a c e r t i e n s . Cuv . Genus. M o n i t o r . Cuv . Species 1.—Monitor Niloticus. Lacerta Nilotica. Linn. I. 360. Varanus Dracæna. Merr. Syst. Amph. p. 59. Tupinambis Niloticus. Daud. Rept. III. 51. Monitor du Nile, ou Ouaran. Cuv. Reg. Anim. II. 25. Tribus. C a m e l e o n ie n s . Cuv. Genus. C h a m æ l e o . Lactp. Species 2.—Chamæleo vulgaris. Chamæleo vulgaris. Daud. Rept. IV. 181. Chamæleo carinatus. Merr. Syst. Amph. p. 162. Lacerta chamæleon. Linn. I. 364.
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