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“ I t follows, my Lord, subsequent to the due inquiry we make after your health, which may God preserve, that your esteemed letter has reached, us, and we became acquainted with its contents. You informed us that our beloved son, Aba Bak’r Ben Khalloom, arrived in your presence, in company with some persons of the English nation, our friends; and that you received them with extreme kindness, and showed them all the marvellous things that your country contains, and made them see all the extraordinary rivers and lakes that surround i t ; and that you behaved to them as becoming your high station, and indicating your esteem and regard towards us. May God reward you for all this kindness, and protect you from all evils. This kind treatment was our sanguine expectation, and indeed we were already sure of it, from what we knew of the true friendship and amity established between us. “ W hat we have now to acquaint you with, is to request that you will continue your protection and assistance to the said English travellers (though we doubt not you do not need this additional recommendation), and cause them to proceed to the country of Soudan, to behold its marvellous things, and traverse the seas (lakes or rivers), and deserts therein. This being the proper desire of the great King of the English himself, we beg of you to use your utmost endeavours, as far as lies in your power, in their safe arrival at the country of Soudan, accompanied either by letters of recommendation, or by troops and guards, in order that they may obtain the accomplishment of their wishes, and return to us safe and u n h u rt; and whatever kindness you may do to them, it is done to us. Resolve therefore, and exert yourself, as we are confident of your goodness, and let them see all the places which they wish to visit. “ At the end there will be a splendid present, befitting your high rank, sent to you through us, consisting of various rare and elegant articles of value; for the delivery of which, unto your hands, we pledge ourselves. “ This is all that we have to say at present, and if any affair should occur to you in this country, let us know. And peace be unto you. “ Your friend, (Signed) “ y o d s u f p a s h a . ” (Dated) “ 28th o f Sha-wal, 1238 of Hejra corresponding to August, 1823. No. IV. A Letter from the before named Pasha of Tripoli to Aba Bak’r ben Khal- J loom, at Pornou. “ We received your letter, and comprehended all that you stated to us. We were glad to hear that you, and our friends, the English travellers, with whom we sent you as guide and conductor, had arrived at Bamooh in safety; and that you were kindly received by our friend, my Lord, the Sheikh Mohammed El Kanemy, who immediately allowed the travellers to inspect all the deserts, and seas, lakes and rivers, that are in his country. May God reward him for this act of kindness. We have written to thank him for his laudable behaviour; and we pray to God to enable us to show him equal kindness in return. “ With regard to the persons of the different tribes, who were obstinate and disobedient to you on the road, they have been apprehended, and taken and punished one by one. “ As long as the English travellers remain at Bamooh, you have to attend, and be with them wherever they go, till they shall have obtained their wishes, and accomplished their object; and when they desire to return, you may accompany and come with them as you went. I f this letter should reach you before you leave Bamooh, you must stay with them, as above stated; if it reach you while you are on the road homewards, you must return to Bamooh immediately, and only send us the slave you have with you; and if you should, arrive at Fezzan before this letter reaches you, you may then send your brother to Barnooh, to stay with them instead of y o u ; for we only sent you on their account, for the purpose of facilitating their proceeding, and all their affairs. I t is, therefore, impossible that you should leave or part with them, but in this manner; and we are sure that, to a person like you, there is no need to add any stronger words, especially as you know that they are in our honour, and under our protection, both in their going and returning in safety; which is the accomplishment of our wishes. And may you live in happiness and peace. (Signed) “ yousuf pasha.’’ (Dated) “ 2d of Ze-el-ka’da, 1238 corresponding to August, 1823.

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