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; NO. 4. Ai ft I A Ê H I V / v a n H i ^ i y A m \ r Q W j w M (7 ) The inscription *, No. 1, was on a tablet fixed on the east face of the building, of which the elevation gives the south side. The entrance to all the buildings was from the east, and by fourteen * Dr. Young has been so good as to examine these inscriptions, but has not succeeded in ascertaining their probable date- H e observes, that the two principal inscriptions, Nos. 1 and 2, are clearly tributes o f children to the memory o f their parents. They seem, from the legal expression 66 discussi ratiocinio,’1 to be o f the times o f the lower empire, these words being applied in the pandect to the settlement o f accounts: they each allude to the expenses o f some public entertainments Th e termination is remarkable for the prayer, that their parents might revisit their descendants on earth, and make them like themselves. The names seem to be altogether barbarous: the second character, like a heart, is not uncommonly found in-inscriptions standing for a point. No. 1. M. CHULLAM e t * VABNYCHSan PATEB ET Mater MARCHI NIMMIRE E t C. CURASAN QUI EIS HAEC MEMORIAM FECERUNT . DISCUSSIMUS steps to the base of the upper range of pillars, now totally destroyed. The other inscriptions were found on the loose fragments which lay scattered around. Jan. 17.—Moved along Shidaf, a beautiful wadey, extending ten miles between limestone rocky hills, through which we passed. After this we came to Hanafs, and halted fifteen miles RATIOCINIO ; AD EA EROGATUM EST SUMI p ra etER c s i n NUMMO * AEDILIS famillARES NUMERO OVA laCtlCINIA o v iN a decEM ROSTRATAE................OPE nAVIBUS E ................. v i s i t e n t E t taLES faciaNt. No. 2 m u s t b e r e a d n e a r ly th u s :— M. FUDEI ET P. PHESULCUM PATER ET MATER M. METUSANIS OUI EIS HAEC MEMORIAM FECIT. DISCUSSI RATIOCINIO ; AD EA EROGATUM EST SUMI . . . . IN .NUMMO * AEDILIS A FAMILIA PRAETER CIBARIAS OMIÜBUS FELICITER LEGAtaS . VISITENT FILIOS ET NEPOTES MEOS ET TALES FACIANT. No. 3. MUNAS II ET MU MAI fîlii MATRIS MNIMIRA HAEDILEHS. ' No. 4. NHIABH j u r e j u r a n d o te n e - AMUR QUlriTUUM.

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