efor !>tiar ■ he knew nothing to the westward: it, he awn; is'ofi', the Kerdy country, called Bosso, and slaves had been is to ittre by it, who had their teeth all pointed and their y, Unite close to their heads.” Tahr wished-to purchase our wk*M “ for,” said lie, “ we can get none like them ; and either tp or Waday, we pass: a high country, and find hut few wells.' Biddoomah sometimes pay them a visit; and although g< professing friendship, always steal something. The last tii-.v sold them a woman Wttd * fcoy ' vbfeb hj Barca Gana's pe<>j?; ifcogiuviis "-vfVii: they, the i 1 ujdomaiis, had stolen t;> .'ciciifxmrhc- jri of A iportion six months before: they were of restored without .payment. . The hyaenas were here so lit«, and so bohl, as to break over the fence of bushes in the mid-, thunder-storm, and carry off a sheep from within five yar.'-, tent. We had news that Barca Gana had found Mendoo <k and was disappointed in catching the khalifa. TV,- vbou*. sf f'ys-Wjijjfeek* fo be»** rf fenth«.<y rather c< >5 T hi wyat (# p8**w*«ge for their ntii docks: tm j " W'wsqi* ip tb* '** ■■•■■■»»*-dbfew«?.. 'Tb* never leave their hoti» v «« hali <. to she markets . fiitai and Mekhari, and bring gussub in return: their prihciT however, is the milk of camels, in which they are rich, and of cows and sheep; this they will drink and take no other ^ ment for months together. Their camps are circular, and -t* dowera*, or irigue, with two entrances for the cattle to ewtss be driven out. They have the greatest contempt for, and lithe negro nations, .and yet are always tributary to either *‘ii- sultan or. another; there is no example of their ever having , a town, or established themselves in,a permanent hosse. % Dovvera is the plural of dcftsef; • eirde.
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