Page 155

Nova genera et species plantarum quas in peregrinatione orbis novi collegerunt, descripserunt, partim adumbraverunt Amat. Bonpland et Alex. de Humboldt Tomus VII

l:' IIHK/::' I h i.. pi III, ill . I, : l.n ! : i i - . . : „ : I' ,:i .„I •iM.||iiiir lillifii •iiin" ^iiiil iiiii l i i C i J < U i f t B I T , ' . C E _ ^ i i . Juss. ( T u , . . n . p. 94.) I'EVILLEA. LINN. 2. |.'i-,>|ilLA Ta!,. ItGXL. I i f i l ¡I'JI r FKVII.I.HA

Nova genera et species plantarum quas in peregrinatione orbis novi collegerunt, descripserunt, partim adumbraverunt Amat. Bonpland et Alex. de Humboldt Tomus VII
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