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Nova genera et species plantarum quas in peregrinatione orbis novi collegerunt, descripserunt, partim adumbraverunt Amat. Bonpland et Alex. de Humboldt Tomus VI

Pluck. P/iytogr. t. 5 i . f . {teste herb. Faill.) Crescit in mari ti mis eirenosis Insidce Ciiha-., prope Bat abano et in insula Cayo Flamingo. % ? Floret HJarlio. {Charact. gen. ex Jacc¡. ei Ruiz, el Pav.) Le/fit celeb. 3Ititisius pmpe Santa Fe da Bogota, alt. hex. ci Crcscit in monte Quindiu, locis temperatis, alt. 800-1000 /ie:c. [Nova Granala.) f) ? Floret Octobri

Nova genera et species plantarum quas in peregrinatione orbis novi collegerunt, descripserunt, partim adumbraverunt Amat. Bonpland et Alex. de Humboldt Tomus VI
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