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Nova genera et species plantarum quas in peregrinatione orbis novi collegerunt, descripserunt, partim adumbraverunt Amat. Bonpland et Alex. de Humboldt Tomus V

OXALIS. conn», ghbm, longtor. .picem vera» ,,i|„„,|.. o,„, , „ „„¡,, „,.,„. '' ' |„b„n, Ehb.™, .pic, p„be,„l„„, ,ui„,„' |„„, ,„. 2 , ' , ' P««Uionom , ,„|„,„, . obins.. RRACTO! b . » d .oppMunt. ' ' F " '™™! » . OVMIO LONSLOR,,. STO,,.„ rrscedenti simillima, differ! uonnisi eaulibus lignosi' adpresso-pilosis; «lycibus pubcseentibua. , opidernM, b. ) FoUa . , .„„„,„. C.„U. f„a,co.,.. «„„, fcraij plemm,,ue (?) mmospermi. i g - OXALIS rsoiALioiDES. -f Tab. CCCCLXX Crescit prope Santa Fe de Bogota P f , peaolata, uirinque rotundala, subemareiuatfl int^-^rnn,, . ' ^-^i^nata. boliola brevissimc . „ ¡ „ , . e , „ „ e n i a , , „ p , a e a . , . „ Z "bpar.lleii,, „.„i„..„,a. Pzi,o™commmiste™U™nl„,, ioteme eanaUeul,,., earn" ® 7 ' u s - •) P UC quiDquepaititus, mcmbtanaceiis, externe persistei r !• 1- / / - -1—uitmutanaceiis, externe .))i,,i=.„, ,uin,„e,ob„„, puteeena, ,ui.,uel«e„ia,e ; o v Ï Ï L ' n i l ' ™ 2 0 . OXa\LlS PENTAKTHA. 0 . fruticosa; ramis villoso-pubcscenlibiuj fotiis ternatis; foliolis eltiptico-oblongis sub 0«alis pentanlha Joe, . Oxal. p. j , . ,. Sp pi. ed. JV. j. p. 8„,. Jmmril ^ ''' -f'»'-« •illo,<^.„„L,,ee„,ih, Pn»aia, ell.pi.eo-obloDga, ba„ obima, apiee roia.d.aia ei , .pe emarBÌ„a.., iBiegemma, obaolel. „ T Z mm, ,.„„)„ 8., !,„„ J. . praieri™ P » » . e . „ „ . i . fJiio™,., can.lic„la.,a,»., , . - „ li„.a. ÀaZcl „ "l. ™^ ' >»»., pa,.m in.,..ld,„.. peM.peiala, cal,« „.!, „ l.ngi.,, „„„i, „ „ „ b r a . L ; , Ba,.,

Nova genera et species plantarum quas in peregrinatione orbis novi collegerunt, descripserunt, partim adumbraverunt Amat. Bonpland et Alex. de Humboldt Tomus V
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