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Nova genera et species plantarum quas in peregrinatione orbis novi collegerunt, descripserunt, partim adumbraverunt Amat. Bonpland et Alex. de Humboldt Tomus V

BY U S O \ 1 M A niluiissima . mm VnHMi, ìnn», BTíAáíWM.BI'.i. -^-..»»(i/eiiiWli^' I ynn > ".-mcK.--a,nM«iwi,. dw ü w , U^»; .lI||í-t»•^ltC| iipi.M . .... . - , • •>,-..i.««Bi,>. r'.-ntav:!.,;,;,. „„ . -va./' íktí!^, (•¡S'-'ltt» »««l'I.!.-». 4.. fli^viauy.- pwuUM, .f^tin': (.•••• "ywjJiu^; ntí^í « " .i^jiluflui,.;., íi'. •. --..lU' 1 • aifflK».. rfil'.., - rovi» .-m,.,¡,. ,, ' • • • 'î-^-:';- •• —rílC::-:):.. ..(iri. ' basi íc - •-io'.i^, iiiiíifi .-I liíi . ."•I".;,, «bbr 1; , {«Iwiilar I - - " «air ua 10 .vivvîUi;. 4 i Hj HM.r'ÜiC.l • r .1.1 . Ví'1'1 vft/. , , •;,..> rute--rtMhMMMu, f ^ t .'r-^:-' ... rlw/.-Vj "Lui, '] !! í i r i l t ' " i j í l í ' i l í !)' î i f î ' ^

Nova genera et species plantarum quas in peregrinatione orbis novi collegerunt, descripserunt, partim adumbraverunt Amat. Bonpland et Alex. de Humboldt Tomus V
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